Learn about various blockchain technologies, their advantages and disadvantages. Prepare for truly understanding the practical part of the conference.
Learn about Solidity as a language and build your own cryptocurrency. Follow along, connect to the blockchain, and deploy your own token with custom functions. Send it to friends and colleagues, or to your ledger.
Finally, learn how to build an API powered cryptocurrency for ease of use without sacrificing security.

A day absolutely packed with useful information. Here's what to expect!
08:00 - 09:00
Check-in and registration + coffee and croissants
Pick up your swag, grab some coffee, and mingle!

Introduction to Blockchain
By Mislav Javor
Mislav will introduce you to the world of blockchain based digital currency, go through a brief history of money, and explain why the blockchain was such a big leap forward.
Mislav is an iOS and Solidity developer and the organizer of Zagreb's Blockchain Dev Meetup.

Introduction to Development on Ethereum: Solidity, Web3, and other cryptic crypto terms.
By Belma Gutlić
Belma will introduce you to the wonderful world of Ethereum - what one can build with it, how, and what it all means for application development in the coming years. What is web3, and is it really web3? Is the "currency" aspect of Ethereum's cryptocurrency - Ether - even important? What is Solidity and why is it so weird?
Belma is a blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiast with most experience in web and mobile development. She previously dabbled in app vulnerabilities, general computer security, and deep learning.
15 min coffee break

0wning smart contracts - An overview of smart contract security
Tonimir Kišasondi
Tonimir will continue the Ethereum story by focusing on the more dangerous parts of the ecosystem. The bugs one can encounter and abuse in witing smart contracts, and the chaos that can ensue from this.
Tonimir is an Assistant Professor and the head of Open Systems and Security Laboratory at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics.

Building a Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway
Ivan Voras
Ivan Voras will present techniques needed for the creation and use of payment gateways for web shops: what are the main points to consider, what are the challenges, and how are such platforms usually implemented. .
Ivan Voras is an IT entrepreneur with experience in cryptocurrency related solutions, big databases, and IT security. He is an innovator and hardware maker. His experience includes payment gateways, cryptographic systems, and IoT. In his free time he's hiking, photographing, or doing NLP.
12:30 - 13:30
Lunch, sponsored by Stari Hrast
Lunch is on location, mainly barbecue, burgers, and pizza. No vegetarian etc. food, sorry, you need red meat to follow along in the workshop ;)

Workshop part 1: Bootstrapping and basic Solidity
By Bruno Škvorc
Setting up and explaining the infrastructure, making sure everyone's battlestation is operational, and explaining Solidity basic concepts as well as how communication with the blockchain happens.
30 min coffee break

Workshop part 2: Developing a cryptocurrency on the Ethereum blockchain from scratch
By Bruno Škvorc
Explaining the project, writing a smart contract, deploying the cryptocurrency on the testnet, and finally deploying it on the mainnet. We'll also try sending the tokens around to each other to make sure our currency works.
30 min coffee break

Workshop part 3: Wrapping it all in an API
By Bruno Škvorc
We'll build an API to wrap our cryptocurrency's functions so that it can be managed remotely via a friendly interface that can be built into third party systems.
Drinks and snacks, sponsored by Bitfalls
We'll move to Stari Hrast and continue networking and tasting local craft beer. The hangout can last for as long as it needs to into the night.
Pricing Table
There are three types of tickets available for sale.